Founding of companies
Structuring, foundation and administration of Liechtenstein and non-domestic companies and asset holders
The Liechtenstein Persons and Companies Act (Personen- und Gesellschaftsrecht – "PGR") and the Trust Enterprise Act (Gesetz über das Treuunternehmen) establish a liberal, flexible statutory framework that is characterised by the spirit of entrepreneurial freedom and facilitates various company forms and asset holders; the trust (Treuhänderschaft) as well as the trust enterprise (Treuunternehmen/Geschäftstreuhand) are also enshrined in law.
Company forms and asset holders:
- Liechtenstein foundation
- Liechtenstein trust
- Liechtenstein establishment
- Liechtenstein company limited by shares
- Company with limited liability (GmbH)
- We are able to offer our wide-ranging network of international jurisdictions to found and administer non-domestic companies, foundations or trusts.
Setting up foundations
Common benefit, succession and estate planning
While the company limited by shares is an ideal vehicle for commercial activities, foundations are established to pursue not-for-profit objectives, holding foundations (succession arrangements for companies) or as family foundations (estate planning, protection of family assets). The Liechtenstein trust can pursue similar purposes. This is closely based on the English model.
Succession arrangements
Succession arrangements for individual persons and companies
Succession arrangements are always very individual matters; our long-standing experience and our own corporate history means we are open to the concerns of our clients, and advise and accompany them to safeguard and preserve their life's work.
Asset Management
As a managing officer of foundations and trusts, we do not provide asset management services ourselves. We help our clients develop investment strategies and select asset managers or commission banks. We support our clients by monitoring the asset management and ensuring compliance with the chosen strategies (foundation governance).
Permission to take up residence in Liechtenstein is granted very restrictively and is only possible if highly specific conditions are met.
We advise and support our clients in this matter, clarify issues with local authorities and provide our network of estate agents and lawyers. Our support also extends beyond the successful change of residence.
Support of persons who work pursuant to Art. 180a PGR
Support of persons who work pursuant to Art. 180a
We are familiar with the challenges facing the fiduciary sector and the the persons who work pursuant to Art. 180a PGR, and offer them our support, whether in the field of accountancy, taxes, due diligence, FATCA, AIA and similar. We also discuss individual solutions with our clients relating to purely administrative activities, as well as assistance with mandate support.
Fiduciary Services